The UN "World Economic Forum" & the "Mark of the Beast" (Chapter 2)

You are reading Chapter 2 of "Called, Marked and Set Aside", a chronological, autobiographical series of letters leading up to the long prophesied "Mark of the Beast".

The WEF created Event 201 in late 2019 for pandemic readiness, and lo and behold in 2020 we get a Pandemic! They created the Great Reset as a supposed response to the Pandemic in June 2020, with words like "reimagine", which sounds like it is right out of the Marxist playbook! Now we have the "Cyber Polygon" cyber threat preparedness on July 9, 2021 come to the fore as the supposed next great piece of crap to hit the proverbial fan and that's not all!

As many of my followers know, I warned of the 2020 coming stock market crash back in Dec 2019 with the rise of the SKEW Index (recently at levels never heard of before) and extreme bullish psychology as well as the issue with the overnight lending rates banks charge one another called the repo rate back in September 2019.

Now the FED has something called a "reverse repo rate" which is virtually sucking liquidity out of the banking system like there's no tomorrow. Wells Fargo has just cancelled personal lines credit of $3,000 to $300, 000 and JP Morgan is doing the same. The banking and transportation indexes are already way down off their tops from early June. The actual top before the crash looks to be in early August, ideally on the 4th of August (the 900 point move down in the Dow Jones Industrials on the 19th of July was just a shot across the bow). See Chart

On July 19th, they blamed the market drop on the new Delta Variant. Sounds like January 31, 2020 all over again! I'm not the only one calling for a crash. See what Clem Chambers has to say.

You know what the democrats always conclude: "Never let a good crisis go to waste!" The elite are obviously going to create fear through false flag cyber attacks or something that makes patriots look bad, or the rise of the new Delta Variant (or all 3!) and drive the stock market down (as much as 50-60%) as a way to divert the attention away from the obviously rigged election and the Donald taking over the helm (which he will by Christmas according to the Kim Clement prophecies). the end of August 2022 looks bad for the markets, but October forward 2022 looks even worse! Justice is coming in October, November and even December, I believe.

The UN (formed in 1945, also known as the image of the beast) is cryptically mentioned in Ch. 13 in the Book of Revelation and so is the beast from the earth Anglo-American Alliance (formed in 1913, also called the False Prophet in Ch 17). The Wizard of Oz behind the scene who pulls the strings of the world (and has for over 200 years in the form of the Illuminati Rothschild/Rhodes/Rockefeller Banksters/Shadow Government) is also mentioned in Chapter 13 as the beast from the sea with 7 heads who is even an 8th head of the sea beast mentioned in Chapter 17 (formed in May 1776 also known as the beast from the pit in Ch. 11 during the Jacobin lead French Revolution). More on this later.

Trump is giving us a reprieve as granted by God, but he can't do it alone. We patriots are a ragtag army. We to need to help each other instead of infighting all the time over petty things. The battle has just begun. The beast system won't go away easily. It is embedded in our academia, our most august institutions, even in our churches and God knows where else. It didn't get this way over night. The plans to take over the world have been in motion for quite some time.

The tentacles of the beast system (3 beasts: the Illuminati European Banksters/The Anglo-American Alliance [the USA is one of the 2 horns, the other is the British Commonwealth] and the UN) are taking over the world already as we speak, where people can't go anywhere without a vaccine passport. They can't go into public, buy food in some places, or get or even keep a job.

They are hiding the damage these so called vaccines are doing. People are being killed and maimed for life and perhaps even their very lives have been shortened by the stuff they have put into the syringe and into the arm. It is even admitted on the CDC site that more died from the shot than COVID itself the past two weeks. We are just rats in a maze to the Luciferians; useless eaters on a crowded planet.

People of God must rise up against this tyranny, get the true, God ordained America back from the clutches of the Luciferian New World Order and do it now!



July 20, 2021

Brad Gudgeon is the owner and editor of "BluStar Market Insights" at "Christian Patriot Media". He is calling for a major stock market top on August 4, 2021 and a 27-42% crash into late October. 

He helped make select clients a whopping 4900% return on the Feb-Mar, 2020 crash with the purchase of TVIX, a little known volatility ETF.

For more information call Brad at 615-502-0940 or visit us at Christian Patriot Media
